User Profile - irgenting

ID 1033941382
Level User (100)
Points 10028 (Rank 202)
Messages sent 2730 (Rank 137)
Last seen 2024-12-25 22:10:07.376518+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-12-25 22:05:35.678418+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 9 days and 11 hours
Time spent in offline chat 4 days and 15 hours
Permabanned on botworms No

Duel stats

Duels Total 7
Duels Won 6
Duels Lost 1
Winrate 85.71%
Profit from duels 868 points
Last duel 2024-07-31 19:48:48.000770+00:00
Longest Win Streak 6

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 27690
Roulettes amount 4
Profit -4470
Winrate 50.00%
Biggest winstreak 2
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 7740
Biggest loss -15480

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-05-11 15:33:04.977618+00:00 -600
2024-05-04 16:53:56.799789+00:00 -15480
2024-05-04 16:53:16.662339+00:00 7740
2024-05-04 16:52:34.518448+00:00 3870